Pretty much DYING right now. A sequel to what is arguable;ly one of the worst films every made is in the works and today we have the first teaser trailer for it! Most of us became familiar with Manos The Hands of Fate through Mystery Science Theater. The relentless commentary from Joel, Tom Servo, and Crow made the Texas-made opus of a clutch of devil worshiping doberman owners palatable and forever cemented our love for the haunting Torgo Theme.
Written and directed by then meat dealer Harold P. Warren, Manos told the haunting story of a family that gets lost on the road and stumbles upon a hidden, underground, devil-worshiping cult led by the fearsome Master and his servant Torgo. On its premiere in glamorous El Paso Texas, many in the theater snickered and howled at the films painfully rough production values and editing that could politely be called “lingering”. 10 minute car ride scene anyone?
I present to you the teaser for MANOS RETURNS!