Director Scott Bateman and Producer Lucas A. Ferrara are gearing up to unleash a groundbreaking animation like no other. “5000 Space Aliens,” a genre-bending sensation, is set to take the digital download world by storm on November 21st.

5000 SPACE ALIENS (2023) Official UK Trailer
Imagine encountering a space alien every single second. This mind-boggling scenario is precisely what Scott Bateman delivers in his latest creation, “5000 Space Aliens.” Bateman has ingeniously crafted 5000 one-second shots of animated characters by repurposing found footage, vintage photo studio pictures from Venezuela and Romania, and even scraps from a century-old psychology textbook.

In a departure from traditional storytelling, “5000 Space Aliens” is more of an entrancing visual journey than a conventional narrative. It’s a unique animated extravaganza meticulously crafted by the hands of a single animator – the visionary director Scott Bateman himself.

Bateman also lends his musical talent to the film, creating an electronic-tinged soundtrack that adds an immersive layer to the experience. The film has already garnered acclaim, being awarded the coveted title of ‘Best Picture’ at the Medusa Underground Film Festival and earning numerous ‘official selections’ at prestigious international festivals.

Reflecting on the making of “5000 Space Aliens,” Scott Bateman shared, “Storytelling is everywhere these days, it’s ridiculous. But not everything has to tell a story. I believe movies can do other things as well, and still be fun and entertaining to watch. So with ‘5000 Space Aliens,’ I set out to create an entertaining, non-narrative film.”


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