LAIKA, the well-known animation studio behind hits like “Coraline” and “Kubo and the Two Strings,” is expanding its reach into live-action film and series. To help lead this new venture, the studio has named former Netflix executive Matt Levin as President of Live-Action Film & Series.

Levin, who served as Director, Original Independent Film at Netflix from 2014 to 2022, brings a wealth of experience to LAIKA. During his time at Netflix, he co-founded the Original Independent Film department and played a key role in the development and production of 25 films, including the upcoming action-thriller “Havoc” starring Tom Hardy and “Kate” starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

Levin will report directly to LAIKA’s President & CEO Travis Knight, who praised Levin as “the perfect partner to spearhead LAIKA’s live-action division.” Levin, who is equally excited about the new opportunity, said, “I’m thrilled to be coming on board at this exciting moment for LAIKA.”

In addition to being in production on its sixth animated movie “Wildwood,” LAIKA is also currently developing its first-ever live-action project, based on the action thriller novel “Seventeen” by John Brownlow. With Levin at the helm of the live-action division, the studio is poised to take on even more exciting projects in the future.

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