The new film, Erbsünde, is set to be released in 2023. Produced by the Chaer brothers, Ahmed and Hussen Chaer, and their company, GWF Film Production, this horror film is their first independent 90-minute production.

The movie is a result of the brothers’ passion for film. They have already produced several short films and series, mainly about wrestling and its stunts. Ahmed Chaer is a talented actor, wrestler, promoter, and owner of the German Wrestling Federation, and he and his brother have been working hard to bring their vision to life.

The storyline of Erbsünde follows a group of journalists and students as they search for an adventurous story in the woods. Little do they know, they will awaken a superhuman being from its lost cryogenic chamber, leading to a long night of manhunting and desperation. The film promises to be full of surprises and tricky plot twists, making it a must-see for horror fans.

The film was shot in English to make it accessible to the American market, and the brothers were able to secure the talent of some incredibly talented actors for the project.

Fans can catch Erbsünde in theaters in 2023. Stay tuned for more information on the release date and theaters near you.

Erbsünde promises to be a thrilling, action-packed film that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With talented actors, stunning visuals, and a gripping storyline, this film is a must-see for horror fans everywhere. So mark your calendars, and prepare to be scared!

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