Get ready for a politically-charged and spine-chilling cinematic experience with the upcoming release of This Land. Directed by Richard “Rick” Greenwood Jr., the film tells the story of two families who find themselves at odds with each other due to their opposing political beliefs. But their disagreements become the least of their worries when a sinister group emerges, threatening their very survival.

Starring Natalie Whittle, Adam Burch, and John J Pistone, This Land centers around a traumatized mother named Ava, who decides to take a rustic holiday with her husband and son to try and heal from a past tragedy. But things take a dark turn when they arrive at their cabin rental and find themselves sharing the space with another family with vastly different political views. As tensions rise and emotions boil over, they realize that something more sinister is at play – a group of elites intent on carrying out a deadly ritual.

The film is set to premiere on digital platforms on March 10, 2023, and promises to be a terrifying exploration of the divisions that exist within American society. With its timely and politically-relevant themes, This Land is sure to provoke a strong emotional response.

Director Richard Greenwood Jr. has a reputation for crafting tense and atmospheric horror films, and This Land is no exception. With its eerie visuals and haunting score, the movie is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. And with its talented cast of actors, including Natalie Whittle, Adam Burch, and John J Pistone, audiences can expect to be thoroughly immersed in the story and its characters.

Distributed by Terror Films, This Land is a must-see for horror movie fans who enjoy films with a political edge. It offers a thought-provoking and chilling look at the state of modern-day America and the forces that threaten to tear it apart. So mark your calendars and get ready for a terrifying ride through the woods with This Land.

THIS LAND | Official Horror Trailer

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