Square Enix recently announced Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo, a new and exciting single-player, supernatural mystery-adventure brought to life in the unique style of a 2D visual novel. This upcoming game will be released in just a couple of weeks, with the first launch on PC via Steam on March 8th, and on the Nintendo Switch the following day, March 9th. Preorders are currently available for both platforms.
Set during the Showa Period (1926-1989) in Tokyo’s Sumida City, Honjo, Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo follows several protagonists who possess the “power of curses” within a variety of spine-chilling ghost stories. By day, players will travel throughout mysterious areas in the haunted underbelly of Honjo; though by nightfall, fellow curse bearers can be found wandering around, hunting or waiting to be hunted.
Immersed in these selected areas, players will solve puzzles and find clues in order to unravel the mysteries behind these seven deadly curses – all while learning to control their own powers through ambient views of Sumida City. Square Enix explains that the backdrops within the game are “taken from real-life scenery using a 360-degree camera with the full co-operation and support of the Sumida City Tourism Division, the local museum, the tourist association, and the local community.”
For further information on Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo, be sure to check out the Square Enix blog!
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