Breaking Glass Pictures has just announced the release of Possessed, a horror film directed by Erik Skybak. Starring Sam Bangs, Leonard Hoge, Steve Larkin, Stephanie Leet, and Calvin Morie McCarthy, this spine-chilling movie tells the story of a pregnant woman named Herma Frigg who becomes possessed by a magical ring.
As Herma runs away from a bad relationship and house-sits in a new home, she discovers a mysterious ring in the basement. Once she puts on the ring, she becomes possessed, experiencing strange dreams and sleepwalking next door to visit Peter O’Neill, a pre-teen horror movie buff. As Herma’s mind deteriorates and her body transforms, she forms an unlikely bond with Peter. However, Peter must find a way to save both Herma and her unborn child.
Possessed promises to be a unique and terrifying horror experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The film is set to be released soon by Breaking Glass Pictures, and fans of the genre won’t want to miss it.