Phantom Pain Films announced the release of The Blair Rabbit Project, the lost 90s parody of the iconic The Blair Witch Project. Set to debut on Blu-ray and VHS on July 23, 2024, this release marks the 25th anniversary of the film, offering fans a nostalgic trip back to the late 90s.

Conceived by writer/director Kerry Prior (“The Revenant”) during the opening weekend of The Blair Witch Project in 1999, The Blair Rabbit Project has been a long-lost gem in the found footage genre. The film’s history is marked by drama and delays, leading to a small but passionate cult following through bootleg VHS copies. Now, thanks to Phantom Pain Films’ Future Video label, this parody will finally be available to a wider audience.

In addition to the home video release, The Blair Rabbit Project will also be screened in select theaters across North America, courtesy of the American Genre Film Archive. Screening dates will be announced soon.

The Blu-ray edition of The Blair Rabbit Project includes exclusive content such as “The Adam and Kerry Show: Episode 1,” deleted scenes, and the official trailer. For VHS enthusiasts, a limited “Dung Bunny” edition will be available, featuring a special “I Brake for Dung Bunnies” bumper sticker. Pre-orders are now open exclusively at

Kerry Prior shared his thoughts on the release: “Due to the tragicomic history of the movie, ‘The Blair Rabbit Project’ has been a ghost that has haunted me for years. In spite of, or perhaps because of the drama that suddenly stymied its release 25 years ago, it managed to get a passionate, if small, cult following on bootleg VHS! Now, with the release from Future Video, I hope a wider audience will embrace it for what it is: a true lost, but now found, Found Footage movie.”

Don’t miss the chance to experience this quirky piece of horror parody history on July 23, 2024.

The Blair Rabbit Project (1999) [Official Release Trailer] - Found footage horror comedy.

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