Prepare for a gripping tale of obsession and revenge as The Baby Snatcher makes its UK digital debut on September 9, courtesy of Scatena & Rosner Films. Directed by Andrew Lawrence, known for Frankie Meets Jack and Recess, this psychological thriller delves deep into the dark side of motherhood.

The film follows the story of Penelope, played by Adrienne Thomas (A Deadly Deed), and her best friend Eve, portrayed by Jennifer Taylor (Shameless, Two and a Half Men). Both women find themselves pregnant at the same time, strengthening their bond—until tragedy strikes. When Eve suffers a devastating miscarriage, her grief quickly turns into an unhealthy fixation on Penelope’s pregnancy.

As Penelope and her husband Richie, played by Matthew Lawrence (Mrs. Doubtfire), celebrate their impending parenthood, Eve’s envy festers into a dangerous obsession. What begins as quiet resentment soon spirals into a shocking campaign of revenge that leaves no one safe.

The Baby Snatcher Trailer
The Baby Snatcher makes its UK digital debut on September 9.

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