Miracle Media has released the trailer for its upcoming thriller, Overkill, scheduled for digital release on November 18, 2024. This new horror thriller follows true crime podcaster Cassidy, played by Alexis VanDyke, as she dives into a case that hits close to home. When her college roommate, Taylor (Carol Kim), is brutally murdered, Cassidy begins her own investigation into the shocking crime.

As Cassidy uncovers disturbing clues, she unwittingly becomes entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse. A serial killer with a personal vendetta has set their sights on her, forcing Cassidy to use every bit of her wits and investigative skills to survive. With the threat closing in, Cassidy must navigate a path through danger, racing against time to crack the case before the killer finds her.


Fans of horror thrillers and true crime-inspired tales will find Overkill to be an engaging addition to Miracle Media’s lineup.

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