Vegas Theatre Company (VTC) and Las Vegas Horror Show, LLC have announced the return of the provocative and darkly humorous horror production ABANDON. Following a successful Halloween run, this late-night theatrical experience will return to the VTC stage in the Las Vegas Arts District, with weekly performances starting Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 11 p.m.

ABANDON combines horror, psychological tension, and dark comedy to explore the life and writings of the infamous Marquis de Sade. Set in an asylum, the story unfolds through rapid, wordless vignettes, enhanced by a powerful original soundtrack and striking visual effects. This production, known for its bold and boundary-pushing themes, offers audiences an intense look at horror’s psychological and surreal dimensions.

Directed by Jana Wimer, known for her acclaimed production of Urban Death, ABANDON features an impressive creative team. Hollywood composer Joseph Bishara, recognized for his work on The Conjuring and Insidious franchises, crafted the original soundtrack, while Emmy-winning sound designer Katie Haliday, renowned for her work on Stranger Things, has created an immersive soundscape.

ABANDON will be performed every Saturday at VTC, located at 1025 S. 1st St. #110 in Downtown Las Vegas. Tickets are available at $40 for general admission and $60 for VIP, which includes front-row seating, a complimentary drink, and merchandise discounts. Audience members must be 18 or older. For tickets and further information, visit or

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