Crunchyroll, alongside Aniplex, Sony Music, and PlayStation Productions, has officially announced an anime adaptation of Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, the cooperative multiplayer experience from Sucker Punch Productions’ acclaimed video game. This marks Sony’s first anime project derived from its gaming franchises.
Directed by Takanobu Mizuno and featuring story composition by Gen Urobuchi (NITRO PLUS), the anime will be produced by Kamikaze Douga, known for their expertise in dynamic animation. The series will bring the game’s traditional samurai aesthetics to the screen, merging cinematic storytelling with visuals inspired by Japanese mythology and folktales.
Sony Music will oversee the soundtrack and music, integrating their global artist network to enhance the series’ auditory experience. Aniplex, renowned for its work on titles like Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and Sword Art Online, will lead production, promising a faithful yet innovative adaptation.
Rahul Purini, President of Crunchyroll, emphasized the collaboration as a demonstration of Sony’s unified strategy: “This project brings together the expertise of PlayStation Studios, Aniplex, Sucker Punch Productions, and Crunchyroll to deliver a bold new anime experience for fans.”
Scheduled for an exclusive 2027 premiere on Crunchyroll, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends aims to expand the franchise’s reach while offering a new narrative experience for anime and gaming audiences alike. Additional details about the creative team and cast will be shared in the coming months.