Production has officially wrapped on The Remedy, the latest film from director Alex Kahuam. The project features a star-studded cast, including Timothy Granaderos (13 Reasons Why), London Thor (Gen V), Doug Jones (The Shape of Water), Chris Mulkey (Whiplash), and Jenny O’Hara (Devil). The film has now entered post-production.

Alex Kahuam leads this ensemble cast in a project that promises to explore unique cinematic territory. While plot details remain under wraps, the film’s roster of accomplished actors suggests a narrative rooted in compelling performances and dynamic interactions.

With Doug Jones, a celebrated actor in genre cinema, and rising stars like London Thor, The Remedy is poised to capture attention across multiple audiences. The production team has not yet announced a release date, but updates are expected as post-production progresses.

Stay tuned for further announcements, including trailers and release information, as the project moves closer to completion.

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