Blumhouse has announced a new original feature titled The Woman in the Yard. The movie stars BAFTA and SAG nominee Danielle Deadwyler (“Till,” “The Harder They Fall,” “The Piano Lesson”) as Ramona, a woman grappling with profound grief following a car accident that claimed her husband (played by Russell Hornsby). Now left to care for their children, portrayed by Peyton Jackson and Estella Kahiha, Ramona struggles to adjust to life at a secluded farmhouse.
Events take a mysterious turn when a specter-like woman—played by Okwui Okpokwasili (“The Exorcist: Believer”)—suddenly appears on the family’s lawn, issuing an enigmatic warning: “today’s the day.” Her presence soon grows more ominous, forcing Ramona to protect herself and her children from an uncanny threat that refuses to leave.
The Woman in the Yard is only in theaters March 28.