Do me a favor, and make sure you’re sitting down for this week’s HorrorGram, because you’re about to be floored. Why am I so confident in my previous statement? Have I let you down before? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Just be thankful you had someone like me to warn you. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a me. I had to learn the hard way. Well, enough about my bruised backside, let’s talk shop.

This Thursday’s HorrorGram highlights the ghoulish talents of the one and only, Michelle MoreGore. It’s one thing to be able to apply makeup, but Michelle breathes life into her applications. No need to adjust your screens, fiends.

What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY?! It’s hard to deny talent of this caliber (and I dare you to try). It blows my mind the way she creates depth in her makeups without the use of prosthesis. These are truly creepy works of art, and we LOVE them.

Did she just say that everyday is Halloween? Ugh, we cannot get enough of her. Michelle, you’re officially invited to join our post apocalyptic community once the zombies tears this mother down.

This has to be one of my favorite skull makeup applications. I’d need a new pair of shorts if I ran into this at the next Haunt. Would you?

It was so hard to pick out Michelle’s top looks for this HorrorGram. We encourage all of you to stop by her Gram and show her some love.

Well, my dear dead readers. I hope this week’s Horror Makeup HorrorGram (try saying that three times, fast) inspires you to take your game to the next level. If I was ever to get married (talk me out of it!), I’d want to hire Michelle to do the creepiest, downright freakiest makeups possible for my wedding party (why haven’t you talked me out of marriage yet?!).

Do you have a favorite #HorrorMakeup artist? Do you have a look you created yourself that you want the world to see? Share it with us by using the #HorrorGramFX hashtag and it could be featured in a future installment of HorrorGram’s Horror Makeup. Scream ya next week!

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