Counter Clockwise, the story of a befuddled scientist that stumbles into inventing a time machine and ends up zapping himself six months into the future is being described as “part mind-bending science fiction and part dark comedy”. The future isn’t quite what he had hoped for however, and he finds himself an accursed murderer on the run from the law as he tries to turn back time and return home.

Counter Clockwise
is the directorial debut of George Moise and has already won “Best Science Fiction Film” at The Philip K. Dick Film Festival, Action on Film International Film Festival, and Eugene International Film Festival. The trailer doesn’t give us too much to work with, there are certainly quirky and comedic elements, but there also seems to be a very stylish mind-bending sci-fi film in there, so we’ll be very intrigued to see how it all shapes up.

The film stars Michael Kopelow, Devon Ogden, Kerry Knuppe, Joy Rinaldi, Caleb Brown, and Frank Simms and will be released December 13th on DVD/Blu-Ray and VOD. Be sure to check out the trailer below and get ready to have your mind blown.

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