Rose McGowan’s new supernatural thriller, The Sound, has had its international sales rights acquired by Spotlight Pictures.

The film stars McGowan as a writer who studies the paranormal and believes that low frequency tactile sound is the cause for reported ghost sightings in an abandoned subway station. To debunk the sightings, she breaks into the station to record evidence where she discovers a connection to the paranormal world. The film also stars Christopher Lloyd and Michael Eklund.



“We are excited to partner with Spotlight Pictures in the acquisition of The Sound for foreign sales. We look forward to this new endeavor and the level of class & distinction that Spotlight brings to their films”, says Marino Kulas CEO of North Hollywood Films. The film was shot in Toronto.

Ryan McCombs, Vice President of Spotlight Pictures, says “We are thrilled to be teaming up with North Hollywood Films to bring this exceptional film and its truly creative vision to a worldwide audience.” 

The film is in final stages of post-production and Spotlight is to debut to buyers starting at AFM. 

We’ll have more on a release date and trailer as it becomes available.


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