Alex, Gina, and Nicole Johnson seek refuge in an underground bunker as a three-mile long meteor touches down on Earth. Alex has prepared well for the life changing incident. When communication is lost with a fellow friend, David Wilson, Alex must make a decision. After several days in the bunker, he decides to take his two daughters to the surface. With only gas mask to shield them from the destruction left by the meteor, the family ascends to the surface.

The climate seems hot. The camera temperature runs hot making the actors look as though they climate has changed severely. As they explore their surroundings, Alex, Gina, and Nicole come across a seemingly empty house. The house is on a vast plot of land in the middle of nowhere. The family treads lightly. Alex approaches the front of the door but is ambushed by a Curtis, resident of the house.  As Alex defends himself from Curtis, Gina and Nicole are held at gunpoint by Apple. When Curtis takes the upper hand, Apple passes the gun while she pulls out a knife. A shot is fired, we are lead to believe it is Alex with the wound. Enter from the wood, David Wilson with word of wisdom. 

Though the episode is only nine minutes long, we get a glimpse of what is coming in the following episodes. The series is a new take on the zombie apocalypse.  The seriousness of the meteor changing the world never leaves. Alex, Gina, and Nicole fear the unknown but understand life can not be lived in a small underground bunker. Supplies can only last so long. Survival isn’t an option its a necessity. The Z-Virus explores the theory of a foreign virus invading the Earth and causing chaos. What will it take to survive? How has the world changed? Must see series!

Watch the show here.




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