New father Daniel (Will Rastall) wakes up in the middle of the night to the sounds of his baby crying. When he reaches out to Laura, his sleeping wife (Mhairi Calvey), to reassure her, he sees that she is missing. He goes to his little boy’s room and picks him up, comforting him. The baby quiets almost instantly, safe in his daddy’s arms.  Daniel wonders where Laura has gone. As he walks downstairs, he sees a closed door with a flickering strobing light behind it. He edges closer and closer, reaches out his hand to open the door and…

Did you think I was going to spoil it for you? Hahaha, you don’t know me very well, do you? Part of the fun of this short is watching director James Webber reveal his story bit by bit–and the other part of the fun is watching how he reveals his story. Webber is patient and takes his time establishing things, he doesn’t go for the easy fright. This three-minute short is chock full of beautiful shots that gave me the creeps. The music by Derek Kirkup accentuates and punctuates the story without being obvious.

Overall, I think you’ll enjoy this little shuddery film. Give it a try at the link below!


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