A few weeks ago, Norman and I were invited to meet with a new political candidate, one who promised to bring this country back from the brink of destruction we seem to be on the verge of. Jonathan Barnes III was his name, and the dark forces he was playing with were no joke. We waited on a dark corner in Los Angeles, by a red light, before being whisked into a building to learn the secrets of this man’s organization.
This show was I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE, from the writing and producing team of Chris LeVan and Tristan Wells. The show followed the success of LeVan’s production of the original play PODCAST at last year’s Hollywood Fringe Festival.
What we attended was a workshop, so LeVan and Wells could work out the kinks in the show to see what worked and what didn’t. While I don’t want to reveal anything about what we saw, I can tell you that it was well on its way to being a great show. However, between now and then, they are refining it, and aim to open the full production in June for everyone to see.
Just in speaking with Wells over email a few times since attending, it is clear that both have a love of storytelling and immersive theater. Their passion shows in their enthusiasm both for the genre, and what they have done so far. I am excited to see what the full production has in store.
In the meantime, their social properties are being launched today, and I urge you to follow them to keep updated on the show.
Main site: