For those of us who have played Spyro, the fun, loveable dragon, remember times of joy, love, frustration, and great rage as he became a part of our lives. Even during the difficult times, we couldn’t help but become attached to this little purple being with horns and wings. The story was simple yet fun, the characters were enjoyable, and the different areas were imaginative. There were challenges, puzzles, and oh so many things to collect! After endless hours of blood, sweaty palms, and tears, Spyro was forever in our hearts.

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Nearly 20 years after the first game release, Spyro fans will be given an exciting Reignited Trilogy to be released to Xbox One and PS4 on November 13th! This looks to be a direct hit right in the nostalgia through sugar-coated glasses! Spyro and his world have been revamped now sporting a stunning, smooth and glittering appearance. The gameplay, mechanics, and sound truly bring back the memories of what we love so much while being in an almost seemingly new glorious world.

Keep an eye out for more, as we can’t wait to jump back into his world!

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Launch Trailer

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