From No Country For Old Men to A Simple Plan to Kangaroo Jack, the “finds-shitloads-of-money-in-unexpected-place-and-problems-ensue” has been so overdone that it makes it difficult to engage with yet another film to follow the same narrative, let alone care about the characters in it.

In the new action-kinda comedy Danger One, two paramedics find a million dollars in cash sewn into the clothing of a dying man while transporting him to the hospital. When the man dies, they decide to keep it, setting them on a path for a hellish night of violence and mayhem. In summation: mo’ money, mo’ problems.

To director Tom Oesch’s credit, Danger One features strong performances from leads played by Tom Everett Scott, Damon Dayoub, and James Jurdi. Despite impressive on-screen chemistry, they just nearly managed to carry a script that isn’t bad perse, but definitely one that lacks originality. It was actually hard for me to even come to an honest conclusion about my feelings on this film because I feel as though I had already seen it dozens of times.

I hate to nitpick on aspects of production value when the film is low-budget, but someone please tell me, what the hell is up with the sound? The ADR makes the film look like an English-dubbed foreign film and the audio levels were as out of place as the jokes.

Often times, a hand-held camera can be overwhelming, but it works well for this film to reflect its overall energy and tone. When other low-production blunders interfere with viewing, the cinematography is frenetic and active enough to engage us again.

Writer Steffen Schlachtenhaufen is best known for the 2012 pitch-black comedy Would You Rather. The black comedy attempts to make a recurrence in Danger One, but the jokes often seem forced and out of place in a script that is already too formulaic. You can’t really do both.

Danger One
Danger One (2018) Official Trailer
Runtime: 1 hrs. 41 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By: Steffen Schlachtenhaufen

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