WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN, a psychological crime thriller directed by award-winning Taiwanese filmmaker Cheng Wei-hao (The Tag-Along franchise) starring Taiwanese-American actor Mason Lee (Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, The Hangover II) will hit VOD on January 31th and open in select theaters in North America during the next few months.
Synopsis: WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN follows an ambitious journalist’s investigation into a hit-and-run he witnessed years ago. As he beats the clock to rescue the disappeared news source, layers of unimaginable dark truths about a corrupted system start peeling.
coming to VOD and Theaters
available on 1/31/2019 at platforms below
DISH, Verizon FiOS, DirecTV,
Spectrum/Time Warner, Cox, Optimum/CableV,
Comcast, Sling, iNDemand
Google Play, Amazon Prime Video, Vimeo on Demand
opening theaters updated at whokilledcockrobin.com