So, as it turns out, 1:6 scale figures are no longer just for kids. Hot Toys and Sideshow Collectibles have turned them into high art via their photorealistic collectible releases of characters like Freddy Krueger to Michael Myers. So too has boutique 1:6 scale company Ones Customs Figures, which offers up one-of-a-kind reimaginings of some of horror’s most beloved icons.

Collection Complete Horror Club Giveaway

On the latest episode of the Gemr-produced docu-series Collection Complete, we get a look at Ones Customs Figures, the company producing these figures. Diverging from the show’s normal narrative we meet one of the stars of the 1:6 scale world, whose work is highly sought after by those who collect within it: Ones Customs’ owner and operator Montwain Gonzales.

From his roots as a young boy sculpting with Mighty Putty (having been inspired at a tender age by the work of Rick Baker in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video) to his creation as an adult of Ones Customs, Gonzales provides an intimate look at his journey from horror fan to horror fan turned artist.


The series’ fifteenth episode (past episodes of Collection Complete have ventured into the personal collections of filmmakers Mike Mendez of Tales of Halloween fame and The Hills Run Red producer Robert Meyer Burnett), future installments are set to further explore the rare collections of Horror’s Hallowed Grounds’ creator Sean Clark and Los Angeles designer, artist and model Micheline Pitt, among others.

As for that Jason figure? For the next four weeks, those who create a free account at (an app for collectors worldwide – think Facebook meets Ebay but not sucky) will have a chance to WIN a one of a kind Ones Customs Figures reimagined interpretation of Jason Voorhees from 1988’s Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. valued at $1,000.00.

Collection Complete Horror Club Giveaway

Subscribe to the series’ Youtube channel here to see previous episodes of Collection Complete, and for more on Collection Complete, ‘like’ them on Facebook here and follow them on Instagram at CollectionComplete and on Twitter at @CollectionComp.

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