The Under Presents has come a long way since I first reviewed it back in the good old days of December of last year. The first widely-accessible foray into live immersive storytelling in VR, The Under Presents has extended the live actor component of its experience multiple times as it’s served as one of few constants to help immersive actors and fans weather the storm that the industry and the world has been facing lately. With it’s most recent update, The Under Presents has added a new ticketed event based upon Shakespeare’s The Tempest which fellow writer Jeff Heimbuch and I recently got to preview.

Having had an opportunity to let that experience ruminate (and to see it a few more times), I sat down with The Under Presents developer Tender Claws Co-Founder Samantha Gorman and actress Deirdre Lyons, who immersive theatre fans will recognize from her various shows with JFI Productions, to discuss the thrills and tribulations of being one of the few bastions of live performance still operating in 2020.

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