Synopsis: On the shores of Lake Michigan, the eccentric Captain Seafield enlists a colorful crew of misfits in a bid to slay the hellish sea monster that prowls the murky depths. But as Seafield’s obsession with exacting revenge on the creature that killed his father threatens to consume him, can weapons expert Sean Shaughnessy, sonar whiz Nedge Pepsi and former N.A.V.Y. (Nautical Athletes and Venture Yunit) officer Dick Flynn hold the show together?
In addition to Lake Michigan Monster, the uncut version of Tenebrae and Stephen King’s Children of the Corn are also among the films making their first appearance on the channel. Here is a full list of the August releases and where the film is available for streaming:
The Black Report (UK/US)
Black Test Car (UK/US)
Tenebrae (UK)
The Untamed (UK)
Children of the Corn (US)
Inferno of Torture (UK/US)
The Case of the Scorpion’s Tale (UK/US)
The complete list of featured titles will become available on August 3rd on the Arrow Video Channel. Arrow’s Video Channel is available on Apple TV in the UK and the US as well as on Amazon in the UK. August 3rd is fast approaching, so grab your eye patch and grow out your beards…it’s anchors aweigh in 6 days!