If the shambling gait of a zombie is just your speed you may want to take a look at the new horror-comedy novel Seeds of the Dead. The novel is coauthored by Andy Kumpon and Gary Malick and published independently through Kumpon’s production company, Killerbeam Entertainment. This time around genetically modified food is the vehicle for a localized zombie outbreak, featuring a corporate evil angle not entirely unlike that of the Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil franchise. The creators bill the novel as a blend of gallows humor and survival horror, and the satirical flavor of the book is immediately on display in the official synopsis– Moonstar is, after all, only a few letters from Monsanto:

Meet Peter Malik, a promising young scientist employed by the dubious Moonstar Foods INC. When Peter learns the treachery his corporation is set to unleash upon the unsuspecting masses, he threatens to expose their dark secret by turning whistleblower. The corporation retaliates, contaminating Peter’s hometown with infected food, and turns the people Peter loves most into flesh-eating zombies. Can Peter save his hometown, his parents, and the woman he adores, plus warn the entire planet of the impending doom?

Personally I think this one looks like it has the potential to be a campy good time in the same vein as so-bad-it’s-good B movies. There’s also a trailer for Seeds of the Dead over on the Killerbeam website— it’s a bit tonally dissonant in how serious and dramatic it looks, but that could be part of the book’s charm given the low budget feel of the zombies at the end of the clip. Seeds of the Dead is available through Amazon in digital and paperback editions, and if the very positive reviews are any indication, zombie fans will definitely want to check this one out. Take a look at this expanded synopsis and author bios for more information on the novel:


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