Horror short L.U.N.A, directed by Blake Vaz, is a fresh play on the ever-popular A.I. cautionary tale. When field technician Lillian (Fernanda Romero) is sent out on a repair call for her company’s home assistant, she finds out that the issue might not be the robot at all, but something within the home itself.

Coming in at exactly 10 minutes long, L.U.N.A. saves the horror for the bitter end, throwing an answer and a question at you all at once. It’s easy to imagine this story going one direction – a possessed or evil A.I. that misleads or traps its humans – but there is something much more sinister afoot. None of the story is telegraphed, and the actresses never reveal anything too soon. It’s perfectly crafted and perfectly timed. 

Somewhere between sci-fi and spookshow, L.U.N.A. is a surprising short. It’s difficult to review such a precise, succinct film without spoilers (a strict HorrorBuzz no-no), but suffice it to say this simple little film, with a tiny cast, a simple, single location, and no expensive big-budget trickery to think of, gets special commendation in my book. It takes much more work to make something incredible out of nearly nothing than it does to make something decent with all the tricks and gimmicks that money can buy. L.U.N.A. has what it takes to make an incredible short film with style.


9 out of 10


Runtime: 10 Mins.
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