Remember the bad taste that that terrible C.U.J.O. news left in your mouth earlier today?

Well, forget about it. Here’s something that will cleanse your palate.

FOX just recently a brand new trailer for their “201 Days Of The X-Files“, which also includes a (very) brief look at Fox and Dana from the brand new event series, premiering in January.

Starting today, July 7th, FOX is doing a massive The X-Files rewatch, with every single episode ever. Each day, a single episode will be viewed, whether streaming online or using your own collection. All of this will lead up to the premiere of the new limited series on January 24th, 2016.

While the trailer is mostly filled with memorable moments from the series, the very end features a clip of Mulder and Scully busting through the door of a pretty gross room, swinging their flashlights and pointing their guns.

Just like old times.

Check it out:

“I’ve heard the truth, Mulder. Then, what I wanted was the answers.”

CHILLS, you guys. CHILLS.

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