The highly anticipated sequel “Ash and Bone 2: A New Chapter” is set to leave a mark on the horror genre. This film boasts an all-star cast, including Sean Whalen, Billy Wirth, and Dawna Lee Heising, who join returning cast members Angelina Danielle Cama, Kaiti Wallen, Harley Wallen, and Vida Ghaffari.
“Ash and Bone 2” picks up after the events of the first film, where the Vanderbilts have survived a brutal assault by the McKinley family. However, their nightmare is far from over as they are now hunted in the city of Detroit, where the film will be shot in June.
The movie is directed by Harley Wallen and written by Bret Miller, who was also the writer of the original “Ash and Bone“. Wallen has said that he and Miller have been talking about a sequel since the first table read, and fans can expect a story that takes horror to new heights.
Joining the cast will be Blanca Blanco, Calhoun Koenig, and Yan Birch, and the film is produced by Harley Wallen, Kaiti Wallen, Joseph Kelbie Williamson, Jeff Berry, Joseph Victor and Annette Cama. With a talented cast and creative team behind the project, “Ash and Bone 2: A New Chapter” promises to be something to watch for.
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