Puzzle Box Horror presents Atlas of Lore, a new graphic novel/magazine series featuring tales of hauntings and the supernatural from specific locales. The series kicks off in July with Atlas of Lore Issue #1- Oregon, which will include 5 original horror shorts based on Oregon’s haunted lore and original art and photography. Puzzle Box Horror provides this overview of what to expect in issue #1:

  • Slice – A haunted pizza joint gets terrifying.
  • When The Bandage Man Finds You – A haunted coastal highway horror story
  • Anna Byrne Chronicles Chapters 1 and 2 – Anna learns a bit about her father’s paranormal discoveries and encounters her first haunting.
  • The Haunting of The White Eagle – A tale of paranormal investigators finding what they thought they were looking for.
  • Rose (graphic short) – Origin story of a famous ghost in a downtown Portland hotel.

There’s no definitive release date for Atlas of Lore Issue #1- Oregon yet, but Puzzle Box says the book will ship by late July. You can pre-order a copy now, and while you’re there you can check out an official trailer for the series which is creepy and atmospheric- if the entire book is as well illustrated as the trailer it’ll definitely be worth checking out for the art alone. This released piece of art goes a long way to selling me on the series, and I hope we see future issues in other states. Until then, keep an eye out for Atlas of Lore Issue #1- Oregon.

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