The infamous Blackout Haunted house just announced their plans for Halloween via their Instagram account… sort of. The new “show” as Blackout often refers to their haunts, is called Inferno. The experience is all new- and what’s more, it is in a new location, San Francisco.
Creative Director Josh Randall is taking the haunt in a brand new direction with a new location in San Francisco. Obviously inspired by Dante’s Inferno, the video teases at a very elemental, intense experience. We are advised to abandon all hope, a single flame crackles, then the Beastie Boys Sabotage screams as we are hit with black and white shots of what appears to be the new location. Excited? You bet your life we are. We love hell, hellish things, and pretty much anything that will make us regress into childhood and lay rocking in a fetal position for days. However this only leads to more questions than answers. Does this mean no Los Angeles show this year? Will there be other locations around the country other than New York, Los Angeles, or San Fran? Time will tell and Mr. Randall is being tight-lipped and mysterious as usual.
You have our attention Blackout. Now scare the hell out of us.
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im there!