
“Mom’s been kind of weird since Dad passed.” Truer words were never spoken.

Fans of homicidal mama’s boys will have a new reason to scream when festival hit Bunni arrives on DVD in March. To celebrate the blood-soaked visit with Mother, Wild Eye Releasing has unveiled a new trailer for Daniel Benedict’s award-winning slasher film.


“When you care about someone, sooner or later they’ll hurt you,” says Mother. “That’s why you need to hurt them first.”

A group of teens explore an abandoned factory at the request of one of their friends. Little do they know he is leading them to a slaughter at the hands of his mentally deranged mother.


The DVD release of Bunni (SRP $19.95) will be available nationwide in March.

Check out the bloody trailer below!

BUNNI - Official Trailer - Horror Slasher

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