Moby Dick’s Queequeg. Robinson Crusoe. Silence of the Lambs. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Even Bugs Bunny encountered it in Looney Tunes cartoons. Each and every one of these delicious entries has touched on Cannibalism. It’s is a topic that so effortlessly shocks and repels us that we never seem to get quite enough of it in our books, movies, or tv shows. At 6:00 PM on Friday, September 9th, San Diego’s very own Horrible Imaginings Film Festival will explore our fascination with cannibalism, and they are getting the best speaker to lend a hand.
Dr. Emily Anderson, who directed and curated the new “Cannibals: Myth & Reality” exhibit for San Diego Museum of Man, will lead a panel all about the phenomenon of cannibalism in pop culture and the real-world contexts that fuel it. Learn about some of the historical realities of cannibalism, some of the reasons cannibalism has been so present in storytelling for so long, and why this topic shows now signs of slowing down, even today.
The panel, entitled “Anthropophagia,” will open Friday night at the festival in the cinema at The Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park. Immediately following the discussion they will screen the short film “Survival Type,” which is based on a Stephen King short story of the same name, and looks at a decidedly different kind of cannibalism.
A look at the complete schedule, times, films, descriptions, trailers and more can be seen at Tickets and full festival passes are also available for purchase online.
Join HorrorBuzz for a night of frights at
Ghouls and boys it is time once again to return to the foggy, mouldering streets of Ghost Town as we gather for the annual Knott’s Scary Farm Meet! In an annual tradition that is nearing its 10th year, HorrorBuzz will be leading a group through the grandaddy of haunts with the friendliest group of people around featuring VIP treatment including:
- Backstage Tour of two mazes
- Meet and greet with Haunt Designers
- All-you-can-eat Boo-Fet
- Early Admission into Knott’s Scary Farm
- Front of the line access to mazes and Hell Boxes with Fright Lane
- Early entry to Elvira’s Dance Macabre
- Special surprises from our friends at MUSE
- 10% off rooms at the Knott’s Hotel PromoCode: HorrorBuzz
- 15% off room/breakfast reservations at the Knott’s Hotel PromoCode: HorrorBuzz
(Call Room Reservations at 866-752-2444 8am-8pm)