We have all been there. Watching the movie screen in utter disbelief as the character in a horror movie runs UP the stairs in a house to get away from the serial killer. Or how about the dummies that hear a weird noise in the dark and decide to fully inspect the source of the curious sound. You may have even had to sit through watching a hapless fool take an eternity to discern that a person is a zombie before being eaten themselves. “If that were me, I would have done things differently. I would have survived!” You say. Well, now is your chance to prove yourself.
51 Minds is now casting men and women 21-35 years of age for a competitive horror show. The players must survive a series of challenges that will test their bravery, their wit, and their moxie in order to win. Set in one of L.A.’s spookiest venues players will face all-too-real, terrifying challenges.
You think you got what it takes? You think you are a final girl in the making? the what the heck are you waiting for you turkey? Get the hence and reach out to CASTING@51MINDS.COM with your name, c0ntact info, 5 recent photos, and a short description of WHY you want to star in your very own horror movie.