October 26, 2016
Vicks Toghia
San Diego is a short drive south from where most of the HorrorBuzz team resides, as such we don't always get down early in the season to check out the haunt offerings. Last year through a series of unfortunate haunt events, we were actually lucky enough to discover the independent haunt Savage House. Now it's [...]
June 20, 2016
Norman Gidney
There are no secrets about it. We are HUGE fans of Savage House in San Diego. This small, independent haunted attraction was one of the absolute stand out haunted houses that we went to last year during the 2015 haunt season. Inventive, filled with sinister, tongue in cheek humor, Savage House featured a house of [...]
October 18, 2015
Norman Gidney
Stop what you are doing and make plans to visit Savage House in San Diego's Mission Valley right now. Okay, got your tickets? Okay, good. Now on to the review. Nestled in the far corner of a busy, Target parking lot is probably one of the most wonderful haunts you will experience this season. Savage [...]
Savage House Unhinged actually has every scare bolted down the right way
Savage House Experiments and Raises the bar again for 2016
Savage House in San Diego Announces 2016 Plans
Savage House in San Diego is a Hidden Gem