October 25, 2018
Remy Cashman
Submissions are closed and the lineup is currently being finalized at the BURIED ALIVE FILM FESTIVAL, and have released new posters for two new special events for BAFF 2018. The annual silent film experience with Samadha will continue, providing a kickass live soundtrack for 1920's The Golum. Check it out on Friday, November 16th at 10:00pm and Sunday, [...]
April 24, 2018
Norman Gidney
Yes, ladies and germs. It is the 13th year for the now-famous Buried Alive Film Festival in Atlanta, Georgia! Big news folks, they are taking submissions now. They are looking for the goriest, weirdest, most fun, most bizarre, darkest, and wildest indie horror and genre films. If you think your film is too gross or too scary or just [...]
BURIED ALIVE FILM FESTIVAL 2019 Submissions Now Open!
TWO New Special Events Announced at BURIED ALIVE FILM FESTIVAL
Atlanta’s Buried Alive Film Festival Opens Crypt for Submissions