The new Indiegogo campaign for Concept Media’s newest horror movie is now live! From award-winning director Shawn Burkett (Betsy, Don’t F*ck in the Woods) and producer Chris Gierowski comes Stranded.

Synopsis: The film follows a group of siblings into the wilderness to fulfill their mother’s request of scattering her ashes in a location where she was fond of as a child. Along the way the siblings are forced to hash out issues and reopen old wounds before they become stranded on an old country road where they come face to face with the infamous bigfoot.

The campaign is now live and goes through April. You can check out the teaser trailer and more information on the Indiegogo page linked here. Moreover, there are plenty of nice perks including copies of the movie when completed, bigfoot keychains, producer credits, and even walk on roles!


Joel (Dale Miller) – Angel / The Wicked One / Kill, Granny, Kill!

Katherine (Brittany Blanton) – Don’t F*ck in the Woods 1 & 2 / Wicked Ones

Sharon (Payton Pleska) – Betsy / The Lamb / She Burns in Hell

Kevin (Mike Pleska) – Betsy / She Burns in Hell / Failing Grace

Bigfoot (Rob Collins)


Travis Wilson – Cinematographer / Camera Operator

Andrew Moore – Audio Tech / Compositing

Ryan Stacy – Assistant Director

Stephen J. Hodke – TaintBad Productions / Special


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