CRAM, the latest suspense-filled thriller from writer-director Abie Sidell, is set to captivate audiences with its thrilling story and talented cast. Starring John Dimino, Brandon E. Burton, Rolando Chushan, and Carolina Đỗ, CRAM follows the story of Marc, a desperate student struggling to finish his final paper.


The film opens with Marc struggling to cram all night in the library, but after dozing off, he wakes up to a nightmare – his final paper has vanished. Determined to find answers and escape the situation, Marc is drawn deeper into the mysterious and enchanting stacks of the library. Despite feeling alone and easily frightened, Marc is not alone, as he soon realizes that the library has other plans for him.

Terror Films will be releasing CRAM on digital platforms on March 17th, giving audiences a chance to experience the tension and excitement of this highly anticipated film. With a talented cast and a storyline sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, CRAM is poised to be a hit among fans of suspense and mystery.

Don’t miss the digital release of CRAM on March 17th, and prepare to be drawn into a world of mystery, tension, and thrills.

CRAM | Official Horror Trailer

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