Though there are literally hundreds of amazing escape rooms in Los Angeles, if you ask anyone what some of the best are, they will inevitably name a room from 60out. With six locations and over 20 rooms (with more coming all the time!), 60out is at the top of their game. And with that many, there is something for everyone to enjoy, from the family friendly Alice in Wonderland to uncovering the tombs of Dracula to exploring the wilds of Jumanji’s jungle!

Every time we check out one of their rooms, we are always blown away from not only the incredible craftsmanship, but also the innovations they manage to incorporate.

Despite his busy schedule of creating new adventures, we managed to get Damian Bosiacki, 60out’s operations manager, to answer a few questions for us on their incredible work.

HorrorBuzz: Let’s start with an easy one…how did you get into escape rooms to begin with? What made you want to start designing your own?

Damian Bosiacki: I honestly stumbled upon this job initially by chance on Craigslist — it sounded intriguing to me. A friend told me he had played one in New York and it was a lot fun (beside the game ending mechanic that they did not tell them about preceding the experience). The spark of interest to design games came right after I got to read a script for an experience. I was already writing and saw this medium of entertainment as an opportunity to conjure an experience that was immersive and intimate. I was hooked.

HorrorBuzz: Each room has a very unique and incredible theme. With such variation, how do you come up with your ideas?

Damian Bosiacki: Thank you. We’re 26 games strong, right now. We take a look at the slate of games we are currently offering, brainstorm, and choose the themes & stories that fill a void in our catalogue of experiences. In other cases, a good enough story and designed game supersedes this rule.

HorrorBuzz: Do you have a specific genre (such as horror or action) that you prefer to create for?

Damian Bosiacki: I personally enjoy writing for any genre, because it’s refreshing working on imagining a new immersive environment, but if I had to choose, I would say fantasy / adventure is my favorite.

HorrorBuzz: 6oOut is known for having some of the most innovative rooms and puzzles, not just in LA but in the industry. How much testing and design do you guys do when it comes to the puzzles?

Damian Bosiacki: A lot, a lot, a lot. The entire development, production, installation process is enduring and there are plenty of game alterations and adjusted expectations throughout that time period. It varies though: it can be anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months of testing, depending on the state of the game.

HorrorBuzz: Has there ever been a case where you had an idea for a puzzle, but the technology just wasn’t there yet, causing you to make it yourself?

Damian Bosiacki: There are plenty of ideas we have to scratch for a variety of reasons: technological impossibilities, financial impossibilities, incongruences with theming, and many others. But we keep a lot of our ideas in a safe place, that way we can return to it later.

HorrorBuzz: What is something you do to push yourself when designing a room?

Damian Bosiacki: Sometimes caffeine, sometimes a nice little ride on one of those scooters to get the juices flowing, and sometimes just typing nonsense until we shake some sense out of the keys. It takes persistence and patience to make something great in any medium.

HorrorBuzz: What is something you try to do to incorporate a feeling of adventure or immersiveness into each room?

Damian Bosiacki: The beginning of Journey’s chorus for “Don’t Stop Believin'” says it best — regardless of the experience, you want to keep them engaged and suspended in the world you designed for them. So we just take that approach with any new room.

HorrorBuzz: Which is your favorite out of all the 60Out rooms?

Damian Bosiacki: You’re making me choose? Sheesh. Jumanji it is.

HorrorBuzz: Which was the most challenging?

Damian Bosiacki: Also, Jumanji. It was tough, but such a rewarding experience bringing that world to life.

Thanks to Damian for answering some of our questions! 60out’s latest room, TIME MACHINE, is now open for booking, along with the rest of their incredible games. Find them online and buy tickets at:

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