CVRDIVC Productions, the team behind the immersive show MIDNIGHT we saw earlier this year, is about to turn a typical family gathering into an evening of madness and survival in their latest immersive experience, GAME NIGHT. What starts as a fun, light-hearted evening of game play won’t last for long in what they saying is more intense than scary.

Creating this experience was the perfect opportunity to welcome our audience in for an innocent evening of play, only to have the tables slip on them, and ask how far they will go to win a madman’s game,” said Forrest Orta, Founder of CVRDIVC Productions.

GAME NIGHT will take place in Orange, CA and is set to open on November 15th for a short run, but will likely be extended. Tickets will be $45 a person and go on sale on October 22. Private experiences will also be available after the initial run.

To find out more information, visit the official CVRDIVC Productions website at

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