Sony debuted the first trailer for The Dark Tower today. Based on Stephen King’s bestselling series, The film attempts to tell an ambitious story from one of the world’s most-celebrated authors. Starring Idris Elba as Roland Deschain and Matthew McConaughey as the Man in Black the two shar an ancient vendetta, and must fight to the death in an epic battle over the fate of the All-World Universe.

THE DARK TOWER - Official Trailer (HD)

Thoughts? The movie looks like it is slick enough, but will the epic story translate to the screen? From what we have been told, The Dark Tower film will not be a direct film translation of the novels but a sequel of sorts. Fans of the novel have said that this could make sense with the multiple worlds concept that the novels feature. Some have argued the repeated delays and don’t particularly bode all that well for this ambitious project but, keep in mind, the same happened to a little film called Titanic and that went on to be one of the most successful films of all time AND it won best picture.

The Dark Tower will be released August 4th.

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