Mucho Mas Media has announced that David Blue Garcia, known for indie thriller Tejano, will direct the upcoming horror-thriller Zeus. Written by Tate Hanyok (The Pet-Nup) and Shane McKenzie (Bingo Hell), the creature feature will introduce audiences to a new killer beast, joining the ranks of iconic horror predators like Jaws, Cujo, and Michael Myers. Highland Film Group, managing worldwide rights for Zeus, is launching film sales at the American Film Market.

In Zeus, a group of friends in their early 20s faces terror as theyā€™re stalked by a Cane Corso during a lakeside holiday gathering. Produced by Mucho Mas Mediaā€™s Javier Chapa, the project is executive produced by a team that includes Phillip Braun, Robert MuƱoz, Morgan Cano-Long, Simon Wise, Vincent Cordero, Bruce Barshop, and Highland Film Groupā€™s Arianne Fraser and Delphine Perrier. HarbourView Equity Partners, led by Sherrese Clarke Soares, will finance the film, with Soares also joining as an executive producer.

Producer Javier Chapa remarked on the horror genreā€™s growing appeal, stating, ā€œWe couldnā€™t imagine a better filmmaker than David Blue Garcia to bring Zeus to lifeā€”a character destined to become an iconic figure in the world of horror.ā€ Highland Film Group CEO Arianne Fraser shared similar excitement, emphasizing the impact Garciaā€™s direction will bring to the new carnivorous canine in horror. Highland COO Delphine Perrier added, ā€œItā€™s great to be teaming up again with Mucho Masā€™ Javier Chapa and Phillip Braun following the success of our maiden creature collaboration, The Black Demon.ā€

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