Based on the “Deirdre of the Sorrows” folklore, this fascinating coming-of-age drama presents a darker Irish version of the Romeo and Juliet tale, with clan wars, passionate portrayals of emotions and the breathtaking backdrop of the Irish countryside in the 70’s. 

Ireland is the perfect backdrop to tell the story of the two doomed lovers. Deirdre beautifully captures the innocence of adolescent romance but a thrilling twist. Deirdre (India Mullen) is a very troubled child that must cope choose between love or her family. Mary (Elaine Fox) will stop at nothing to help save her daughter’s soul from eternal damnation but little does she know something has begun to stir within Deirdre. 

Deirdre is a thrilling coming-of-age story that is shrouded in mystery. It has been a while since there was a teenage horror story that causes curiosity. If this short causes intrigue then I am curious to see what the director can accomplish in a feature film. Deirdre has romance, horror, and supernatural elements to work flawlessly together to bring to life the folklore. 

Mary (Elaine Fox), Deirdre’s mother, captures the fears of every mother. Granted Mary takes extreme measure to ensure Deirdre finds salvation from her sins. A child is a blessing but the only thing Mary sees is her sins. Mary is a powerful character the begs to be explored and hopefully, the director does so in the feature film. A crazed mother is always a treat in any film.

Deirdre delivers a fantastic performance that gives the Iris Folklore new life. The film sets up the promise of something bigger and biblical. There is yet a film this year that has captured my attention like Deirdre has. The struggle between what is right and feels right is a powerful thing to capture on film and I believe Deirdre did just that. 


Aston Productions, Henley based production company, announced that the award-winning short film “Deirdre”, written and directed by Jo Southwell, will have a special screening in the city of Cannes during the Richard Harris International Film Festival showcase. The screening will be May 24th at 8:00 pm at Morrisons Irish Pub, 8/10 Rue Teisseire, 06400 Cannes. The short is in talks to become a feature film with Tara Fitzgerald playing the part of Mary. 

"Deirdre" Official Trailer
Runtime: 15 min
Directed By:
 Written By:

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