Transport yourself into a recurring dream with ream Study #114, a new collaboration with the creators at cARTel: Collaborative Arts LA and some key immersive actors in the LA scene. The show combines interactive theatre, puzzle-game elements, specialty cocktails, a live opera performance, and more.

Dr. Rose Hallard is the world’s preeminent researcher of dreams, and she is inviting participants like yourself to lend their brains in furthering the science of dream research. You will be joining Dr. Hallard inside one of her most important dreams, which occurred in 1983 at ETA Bar in Highland park. But keep an eye out for anyone who looks suspicious… who might be trying to sabotage the study. If anything goes wrong, you just might have to help Dr. Hallard escape, or else you’ll all be trapped in the dream forever…

Dream Study #114 runs Sunday Nights from November 25 through December 9th, during reserved entry slots from 7:00pm-11:00pm at ETA Bar in ​Highland Park.

When signing up to partake in the Dream Study, participants will select an entry time slot (on the hour from 7-10pm each Sunday Night) but may stay as long as they wish. Specialty cocktails, full bar and food, including fresh oysters, will be available for purchase in the venue. If guests solve the mystery of the Dream, they will receive one free drink. Audience/Performer contact level is None to Light.

For more information, visit their site at: ​

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