I tend to wish I were whisked away from my problems and into a magical realm where anything is possible. Blessed Witch Productions and Twin Knife Productions’ collaborative experience, DRAPETOMANIA, proved to effortlessly transport me into another world while gently reminding me to stay present in my current one.

DRAPETOMANIA is Blessed Witch Productions’ sophomore immersive production and a strong contender to follow up their first show, Sempiternal (check out our review here). Twin Knife Productions boasts a list of outstanding experiences, including most recently, TAXI (click here for our review). With the prior history of amazing immersives that these groups have hosted, I knew I was in great hands.

DRAPETOMANIA is a two-hour role-playing experience that takes place entirely on Discord. Both the chat and voice channel functions were utilized in tandem to help create an immersive environment within my own home. Initially, when I participated in my first role play-based immersive, I was quite hesitant. But after going through a few different shows, DRAPETOMANIA sealed this style of show in a special place in my heart. The immersion that this show provided reminded me of how it feels to be completely swept into the world created by a good book.

In DRAPETOMANIA, the audience member plays the character, Maeve, a young teenager who has a knack for drifting off into vibrant daydreams to escape the cruelties of her reality. I was thoroughly impressed with the imagery presented in the experience. I found it quite easy to fully allow myself to live in this story and interact as a character that is younger than myself. I found the voice channel portion of the experience to be quite innovative. This space effectively utilized a combination of music and spoken conversation to help provide further insight into the storyline.

DRAPETOMANIA effortlessly created an engaging experience that left me in a pool of reflection. When life gets to be overwhelming and hard, we may feel the need to escape in any way we can. However, DRAPETOMANIA provided a fresh reminder that escaping from our problems do not solve them. DRAPETOMANIA is sold out; however, I highly recommend checking out any experiences done by Blessed Witch Productions and Twin Knife Productions.

For more information, visit Blessed Witch Productions and Twin Knife Productions on Instagram.

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