The horror thriller Final Girl: Halloween is now available to stream on Tubi. Directed by MJ Palo and Andrew Arguello, the film follows high school senior Erin, who is struggling to recover from a violent attack by a notorious slasher. As Erin attempts to regain a sense of normalcy, a new killer emerges, targeting her friends and reigniting her worst fears.
The film explores Erin’s fight for survival as she navigates suspicion, fear, and betrayal. With those closest to her becoming potential suspects, Erin must determine if the new threat is a friend, a romantic interest, or something even more sinister.
MJ Palo, serving as director, screenwriter, and producer, collaborates with Andrew Arguello, who is responsible for the film’s cinematography and editing. Their joint efforts bring a suspenseful and tense narrative that builds upon classic slasher themes while introducing fresh twists.