Force of Nature Productions is set to present the world premiere of the award-winning comedy-drama MASTERS OF THE DARK REALM by Thomas J. Misuraca.
When a group of long-time friends end their fantasy role playing game, Masters of the Dark Realm, they seek out new quests in the real world. Will a tragedy bring them together to slay their dragons, or cause their fellowship to fall apart?
Featuring the talents of Noah Kaplan, Rachel Christianson, Kerry Kazmierowicztrimm, Brett Gustafson, and Daisy Donohue. Directed by Corey Chappell.
Masters of the Dark Realm
Fridays & Saturdays
June 21 – July 13
Tickets: $20
The Actors Workout Studio
4735 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91602