Anyone who has ever worked Lyft, Uber, or a taxi can tell you that they’ve had some strange customers. Some people are just odd or eccentric, but a few can seem shady, even dangerous at times. There is something terrifying about picking up strangers and being in a position where if something does go wrong, then you are all alone with them. Fox Hunt Drive poses the question “what do you know about the person you’re riding with, and what are they capable of?”

After years of going to school, and working an internship, Alison (Lizzie Zerebko) should have been an architect by now like she had always planned. She never thought that she would be driving around douchey guys, chatty women, and couples on the edge of divorce to pay for rent. After a long day of driving around the crazies of the city, she decides to pick up one final passenger at a roadside motel. Not only does the passenger(Michael Olavson) look nothing like his profile picture, but he carries a conspicuous duffle bag with him. Reluctantly she decides to drive the stranger and starts down a path that will change her life forever.

When you watch and review movies frequently you begin to pay more attention to the camera and the way shots are composed. In all too many productions, there are awful compositions and a serious lack of variety in shots. Fox Hunt Drive goes out of its way to have fun and show the audience all the tricks of cinematography. Each shot feels unique and as expressive as if it is an actor in the production. There is something for everyone with clever color shots, the camera reacting to what is happening in the story, and a banquet of gorgeous shots that all work to elevate an already thrilling experience.

This film, for better and worse, at times feels like multiple movies crammed together, each with its own tone. With each of these section comes a moment of downtime, which isn’t a problem inherently, but does create a rollercoaster of feelings that becomes exhausting. The most exhausting moment being, without spoilers, that the ending is painfully telegraphed near the end of the film and personally lost me. That said, where these tonal shifts would kill a movie that was poor in quality, Fox Hunt Drive rises above it and comes across as a truly thrilling experience that has some insane moments.

Simply between the cinematography and wonderful acting this movie steps above many others but combined with a clever story and good writing goes far beyond expectations. This is the first ridesharing horror film I’ve experienced and it has certainly set that bar high. If you are looking for a quality thriller with some twists and some turns for good measure, I’d recommend giving this one a shot.

7 out of 10

Fox Hunt Drive
FOX HUNT DRIVE (2020) // Official Trailer // Exclusive
Runtime: 1 hr
Directed By:
Written By:

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