Welcome, one and all, to the Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 5 . Everything has been revealed from Universal on what they have in store for HHN 2015. There will be the all-new Halloween: Michael Myers Comes Home, This is the End, Insidious, Return to the Further, The Walking Dead: Wolves Not Far, Crimson Peak: Maze of Madness, and finally, the return of one of the best mazes in Hollywood HHN history, Alien Vs. Predator.
We are also treated to the news about the four different scare zones, Dark Christmas, Exterminatorz, Corpz, and and the Terror Tram theme of The Purge
Again we are treated to the highlights from HHN Creative Director, John Murdy on his awesome @HorrorNights Twitter account. The most fan-friendly, and accessible twitter account for haunt fans on any social media platform. FOLLOW HIM DAMMIT!
Lastly we share information on the two major Halloween events we are having at both Knott’s Scary Farm and The Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor. Single Price, VIP events that are nicely priced and the only way to do the scares.
For more information on Universal Halloween Horror Nights or the park itself follow the these links…
- Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 1
- Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 2
- Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 3
- Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 4
- The Purge Returns to Halloween Horror Nights on Both Coasts
- Alien Vs. Predator Returns to Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights
- This Is The End 3D Maze Comes to Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights
- Halloween Maze Comes to Universal Hollywood HHN
- The Walking Dead: Wolves Not Far
- Insidious Return to the Further Maze Announcement
- Crimson Peak Maze of Madness Announcement
- Full photo update from the park on MiceChat.com
Scare Zones
This week we got information on the sacredness that will be terrorizing us this year. Among them are a fan favorite and two ideas that did not make the cut last year but survived to be resurrected in 2015.
At the front of the park we will have Exterminatorz. Aside from the habit that Uni Creative has with adding z’s to things, this scare zone has a lot going for it.
The scare zone at the front of the park is called “Exterminatorz”, it’s a new theme we haven’t done before. Here’s the idea…
For decades people have been dumping toxic waste into the sewer systems, which has had a horrible effect on the things that live there…

via @HorrorNights

via @HorrorNights
Insects, rats…even the homeless have been effected, creating hideous hybrid creatures… Part human, part pest…
Now these creatures have risen up out of the sewers to turn the tables on their human oppressors!
They formed a company called, “Exterminatorz” with the goal of exterminating all the humans in the city!
The chainsaw troop is themed to hybrid sewer rats…there are all kinds of different insect-hybrid creatures in the scarezone
We are also eagerly awaiting the debut of the opening Scare-A-mony as it is always the perfect way to begin a night of sheer terror. Bugs, pests and other creatures will be welcoming guests every night.
Also have to turn our attention to the opening Scare-A-Mony, which will be themed to Exterminatorz, the entrance scarezone
Dark Christmas
Okay, this was by far one of the most popular scare zones in the history of HHN and it is fitting that it is at least coming back for another year.
Bringing back Dark Christmas and Krampus the Christmas Devil, since that seems to be everyone’s favorite scare zone of all time
Of course, being that it was insanely well-received, the fan community is wondering why this scare zone didn’t get upgraded to full on maze ala La Llorona. Murdy explains…
People ask me why we didn’t make a maze out of Dark Christmas, I agree it could be a good one but…
There is a Krampus movie coming out in December so it seems odd to do that when the trailers will probably hit during HHH…
The movie wasn’t in a place where we could feature it at HHN this year, haven’t seen any footage yet but it sounds great.
Upside we get a movie. Downside, we only get a scare zone. Oh well. We will cross our fingers for next year. Here we can see that Baker Street is already being fitted with lighting for the nasty Krampus to return.
Moving on we see that not much is happening at French Street just yet.
On French Street were featuring a scare zone called, “Corpz” which you might recognize from our choose a scare zone contest last year
John Murdy went on to explain what the scare zone is all about on Twitter by saying…
French street is going to be themed to be a war-torn town in World War One…the characters are all French and German soldiers…
The carnage in WWI was so horrific, bodies left to rot in the muddy trenches for months while the battles raged on…
Now all the dead soldiers have risen up from the battlefield and returned back to the towns. You’ll hear the sounds of the battle…
And creepy old WWI era music and see mustard gas floating through the town. Should be cool. Be back with more later
Halloween Michael Myers Comes Home
Parisian Courtyard
Moving on to mazes we see that the new Halloween: Michael Myers Comes Home, is looking great.
The façade of the Myers home from the beginning of the film is already staggering in detail. The dead vines growing on the side of the building, the cracked panels of wood, tatted, aged. It’s just beautiful and it’s not even done yet!
Below is the teaser video shown at ScareLA.
This Is The End 3D
Revenge of the Mummy Extended Queue
This is the end is one of the most highly anticipated mazes in the line up simply because it was not something that anyone saw coming. This genre-defying movie is filled with gory comedy and demonic attacks. How will that translate to a maze? Murdy says via Twitter…
Heading out to a mock up this morning for “The Rapture” scene in This is The End. Will try to give you an update on scare zone themes
Looking down on the project from the Starway, we see that there is still plenty left to do. Flats of bare pine are in place but there is no paint, no texture, and certainly no set dressing.
Around the back side of the maze we see flats of 3D and textured walls ready for placement.
While things look a little behind, we have seen worse at later stages in the game. Too, this area of the park has a brilliant track record for success and we are really counting on that.
Below is a teaser video announcing the maze.
Insidious Return to the further
Extended Jurassic Park Queue
There isn’t too much more to share from Insidious that you can see from the outside. The entrance looks nothing short of awesome.
Been hanging out in Insidious. Wow! Digging the look and feel of this maze. Trying some really cool things we haven’t done before!
We DID get this lovely little tid-bit from John Murdy through the Twitter feed. Some of the masks from the evil ghosts in the maze.

Via @HorrorNights
The Walking Dead: Wolves Not Far
Former Stage 28 Area
Today we got to see a little bit more of The Walking Dead: Wolves Not far. The maze is said to be the biggest ever created for Halloween Horror Nights and will feature the most actors too.
Looking down on the maze construction site we can see hordes of zombies awaiting installation into the maze. We can also see large trees for awaiting “planting” in the forest scenes.

The front of the maze.
Alien Vs. Predator
Since our last HHN Tracker we got the announcement that the spectacular Alien Vs Predator maze is returning. This is great news. We cannot wait to get back into the battle.
Back by popular demand! Alien Vs. Predator returns for another fight! #UniversalHHN
Earlier in the year, I asked fans on Twitter to vote for their favorite mazes of all time. AVP was way on the top of the list…
There won’t be much changed, and frankly there was nothing TO change…
Chris and I of course are tweaking some things in the maze, just things we wanted to improve from last time but I won’t claim its new…
If you didn’t get to see AVP the first time, you have to see it this time! Probably going away for good after this. So one more time!
One bit of news that was interesting was how guests would get there.
You will reach that scarezone and the mazes on the backlot (Crimson Peak and AVP) via the tram. No walking this year…
There will be no long walk out to the back lot mazes this year. Half the tram fleet will be dedicated to transporting guests to the backlot while the other half goes to the Terror Tram.
Metro Sets
Out in the metro sets the large containers are being used again for partitioning the lot.
Crimson Peak
The final maze that we are ecstatic about is Crimson Peak: Maze of Madness. Due to ever-changing Tram routes we have no new pics this week from this location.

Survive The Purge: Terror Tram
The theme of the Terror Tram was announced as well.
The annual Purge will commence aboard the Terror Tram! #SurviveThePurge at #UniversalHHN! https://youtu.be/J3p0ON8Mb8c
One of the larger casts for any Terror Tram, a fan asked for a specific number.
@HorrorNights how many scare actors do you have just for the terror tram
Answer: the cast is 124
Still, despite the sound walls not much else was visible as of yesterday.
Other HHN News
Here we have bits of ticketing news and information from Murdy.
Frequent Fear Passes are now on sale!! Get a 10 Night pass while they last! https://ushtix.com/FFP2015
Cat’s out of the bag! This year’s Frequent Fear Pass is actually a 12 night pass (not 10). Two bonus nights are TBD. #StuffHappens
There will be an early arrival program again this year, we let people into the park before 7 to get a jump start on some of the mazes, etc
So get your Frequent Fear pass, get to HHN early, and follow Murdy on Twitter. as soon as they go on sale.
That is all that we have this week for the Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 5. What other surprises await us in the dark? We shall find soon enough friends. Check back next Friday for the Knotts Scary Farm
For more information on Universal Halloween Horror Nights or the park itself follow the these links…
- Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 1
- Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 2
- Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 3
- Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights Tracker 4
- The Purge Returns to Halloween Horror Nights on Both Coasts
- Alien Vs. Predator Returns to Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights
- This Is The End 3D Maze Comes to Universal Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights
- Halloween Maze Comes to Universal Hollywood HHN
- The Walking Dead: Wolves Not Far
- Insidious Return to the Further Maze Announcement
- Crimson Peak Maze of Madness Announcement
- Full photo update from the park on MiceChat.com
HorrorBuzz is hosting two gigantic Halloween events at two of the biggest haunts in Southern California. The Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor and Knott’s Scary Farm are offering fans the chance to soak up the VIP treatment and enjoy everything their haunts have to offer for one low price.
The Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor – Sat, October 3rd
People died on it…and because of it, its World War II nickname, The Grey Ghost, even foreshadowed its eventual connection to the spooky and supernatural.
- Lights-on tour of a maze with creator/designer JJ Wickham: This is a huge deal, because if you have visited the event before, you know from experience that the Dark Harbor team utilizes the dark and enclosed spaces of the ship to heighten the intensity of the experience. This is a real chance to not only learn some inside details on how these wonderful experiences are created, but also see some of the detail deep within the ship that you normally wouldn’t.
- Admission to the All-New Anubis Paintball Adventure: This up-charge experience is certain to sell out quickly every night, because it allows you to face an onslaught of mummies and monsters, armed for the first time with a paintball gun. Do you have what it takes to survive this “newly” transplanted pharaoh’s tomb?
- Admission into the Freakshow experience: The Dark Harbor entertainment staff always assembles a wonderful array of shows that both entertain and disturb. Not for the faint of heart, so peak through your fingers if you must.
- All Night Front of the Line access: This really is worth its (lack of) “wait” ingGold. Most of these mazes you will want to experience more than once, and this is the only way to do it without spending most of your night in lines.
- All-night-access to the exclusive R.I.P. lounge: Perhaps the greatest perk of all! A deck above, and yet in the middle of all the action, with endless, delicious street tacos, 3 drink tickets at the exclusive bar (again, avoiding the long lines below), and a variety of places to comfortably lounge while enjoying the delightful chorus of horrific screams that the world famous Dark Harbor sliders relentlessly create all evening.
We have bundled all of this together at the very reasonable price of $125.00 per person. If you have visited before, you know what a great value all these extras are. If you haven’t, this is the best way to first experience this distinctively unique haunt that is the Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor.

Get your Exclusive Event Tickets Here
Knott’s Scary Farm VIP Event
This is the grandaddy of haunt events. The Knott’s Scary Farm HorrorBuzz/MiceChat Haunt event is going on its ninth year of sheer terror and there’s no stopping it now. Only a few tickets are left for this one-of-a-kind event where you are the biggest, baddest VIP at Knott’s Scary Farm. No lines for mazes, early entry, all you can eat buffet and a chance to meet the mistress of the dark, Elvira. It doesn’t get any scarier than this.

Halloween Horror Nights 2015 at Universal Studios Hollywood kicks off on Friday, September 18, 2015, and continues on select nights through November 1.
Updates on “Halloween Horror Nights” at Universal Studios Hollywood are available here on HorrorBuzz.com and online at HalloweenHorrorNights.com/Hollywood
You can find them on Facebook at: “Halloween Horror Nights – Hollywood,” on Instagram at @HorrorNights and Twitter at @HorrorNights as Creative Director John Murdy reveals a running chronicle of exclusive information. Watch videos on Halloween Horror Nights YouTube and join the conversation using #UniversalHHN.